Coach, Give Yourself the



to Scale

Do your business finances feel like a mess?

Not sure where to start with trying to figure them out?

You’re making 6-figures, but where does the money go after each sale?

How much should you pay yourself? 

How much can you reinvest in your business so you can scale?

You’re afraid to make a wrong decision, so you make no decision and stay stuck.

But feeling stuck won’t get you to the millions you’re here to create, Coach.

Hey there, I’m Liz Satterfield. 

I help 6-figure coaches build a Financial Foundation to Scale to their first million.

Hey there, I’m Liz Satterfield. 

I help 6-figure coaches build a Financial Foundation to Scale to their first million.

In 2020, I was given the dream position as a CFO. I tore apart the entire backend financial operations of the company and rebuilt it in a simple and streamlined way. The Financial Foundation I designed helped to propel the company on a path of massive growth leading them to almost double their revenue within 3 years, resulting in over $50M.

After 25 years in this field, working with companies of all sizes—from 6-figures to millions—to clean things up and scale, I know the numbers you need to understand that matter the most for substantial growth.

Now, I’m taking everything I know to help you go from having messy business finances to being a financially informed and empowered decision-maker. 

Making your first

6-figures is fun.

It’s a messy, crazy ride.

You’ve done the work that proves you have an offer people find valuable and are willing to pay for. 

Now, it requires something different from you to go to the next level, get your offers in front of more people, and scale to a million. 

There’s no way to scale to millions with a messy backend that keeps you stuck at 6-figures…

Because if your business finances are messy, your business decisions are messy, too. 

When you aren’t sure what’s happening in your business financially,  you don’t know how much to spend and where…


Do you pay yourself?


Do you hire a VA?


Do you put more money into Facebook ads?

You can’t make strategic decisions because you don’t know the facts you’re starting with. So you spin in indecision and don’t make progress forward.

Understanding what your finances are telling you, changes the way you make decisions.


It changes the way you feel about your business. 

You show up confidently.

You’re not afraid of looking at the numbers because you know what you’re looking at. 

You can see a path for how you will create the millions you want to earn in your business. 

It’s time you empower yourself with the real financial data of your business.

You’re ready to implement your Financial Foundation to Scale to your first million.

You’ve completed the first step on your journey to millions.

Create a valuable offer that people want to pay for. Done!

Now, it’s time for step two, Coach.

Build the Financial Foundation to Scale

Next step!

With this step, you’ll gain the confidence and empowerment that comes from knowing and understanding your financial numbers.

After this, you’re set to scale your business to your first million and beyond!

It all starts with your free call with me.

You’re ready to implement your Financial Foundation to Scale to your first million.

You’ve completed the first step on your journey to millions.

Create a valuable offer that people want to pay for. Done!

Now, it’s time for step two, Coach.

Build the Financial Foundation to Scale Next step!

With this step, you’ll gain the confidence and empowerment that comes from knowing and understanding your financial numbers.

After this, you’re set to scale your business to your first million and beyond!

It all starts with your free call with me.

You are 3 steps away from an empowered Financial future so you can scale

Book your free Financial Foundation Breakthrough Call with me today by clicking on the button below to book your call.

Show up on our call to learn the pillars of your financial foundation so you can get organized and empowered with your finances

Set up your financial foundation and begin confidently scaling your business


The Finance Sheet Bundle for Coaches

Get the 3 Most Important Financial Sheets Every Coach Making 6-Figures Needs